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Three Women



One day, I was sitting by the ocean and she whispered 'it's time' to my heart, that it was time to start sharing some of the love I feel inside. Originally, the intention was to create a safe space for women to fully express themselves all while harnessing the power of the moon. We wanted to celebrate our divine feminine, hold space for each other and feel protected in a sisterhood.  


The community grew fast, and it soon became clear that others, those who didn't identify as female, were also in need of a safe space such as this one. To feel held, connected and understood. With this making itself known, we opened up the space for a mixed circle, so that beings of all genders could experience the magic. 


We come together in ceremony to empower each other and share our authentic truths and deep-felt emotions. While harnessing the power of astronomy, we work to attract our desires for the future, set intentions for the present moment and let go of what no longer serves. 


Here is the place where we celebrate all that is, what it really means to really be alive. Embodying the messiness of human expression, the magic of connection, the power of vulnerability, and the playful nature of joy. 


Join us and witness the magic...


On the New Moon, we celebrate all that is the Divine Feminine... Every month we come together and with consideration of the themes of that New Moon, we share, hold space and connect with one another. A unique and sacred ceremony that bares witness to the chaos, deep-felt emotions and creative nature that comes with being a woman. A chance for you to connect with your inner goddess, meet like-minded people and feel empowered to bring forth your special gift to the world. 

''The moment I stepped into the space, I felt held and safe enough to fully open my heart. Rakhee created a beautiful container and I came away feeling alive, connected to my body and empowered".

Helen,Yoga Teacher
& Massage Therapist




In this ceremony, we come together as a mixed gender group in conjunction with the Full Moon, to align with ourselves and those around us. A powerful collaboration of the divine feminine and masculine, one that enables us to feel safe and express our authentic truth at that moment. The results of these ceremonies have been both profound and transformative which is why tickets sell out every single month. To find out more about how this ceremony can transform your life and business, watch the testimonial video below. 



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"I've never been in such a potent circle that holds such a high vibrational frequency of Love...

It's put me more into my heart which has then had an effect on my business. My business moral has completely changed as a result of  the resonance with my heart which has been massively influenced by Rakhee's Cacao ceremonies"

Jack Mccloskey,
Transformation Coach & Entrepreneur

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Sunset Portrait

"When safe spaces are created, authentic expression takes place..."


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"Rakhee offered a beautiful safe space, where for the first time in a while - I felt that my presence was enough. I felt free to just be myself and that was so precious. Embodying the intentions and dancing by the fire were my favourite part.

Monica,Support Worker

"Rakhee has a gift for holding such a tender yet empowering space. The energy that flowed throughout was nourishing and my cup was overflowing for days afterwards. It was wonderful!'

Erin,Student of MA Gender and Development

''Rakhee embodies unconditional love apparently effortlessly... but I know there is a lot of knowledge and experience behind her ease with leading in ceremony and healing work.'

Tania,Sound Healer 


"Rakhee is a beautiful human being. Intuitive, kind and extremely proficient at holding space. I always have a fabulous time at her women's circles and cannot wait for the next...'

Lindsay, Lieutenant RNR

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